Dirty: The tone produced with the addition of distortion: The more distorted the dirtier sounding. Distortion, overdrive and fuzz all get labelled “Dirty” in the guitar community.
Video Explanations:
Video: Clean vs Dirty Tone | Guitar
Video: Are Overdrive & Distortion Pedals Better With A Clean Or Dirty Amp?
Video: That Pedal Show – Using Drive Pedals With Clean & Dirty Amps: What’s The Difference?
Video: Distortion:Clean Amp Vs Dirty Amp
Video: Amp vs Pedal Distortion
Effect Pedal Examples:
Pro Co You Dirty RAT Distortion Pedal
Menatone The Dirty B Amp Emulator Pedal
Alexander Defender Distortion Pedal
Deep Space Red Ghost Distortion Pedal
Written Articles:
Article: Getting More Definition From Your Dirty Guitar Tone
Fifty Favorite Effect Pedals for Sale: