Plate Reverb: One of the very first artificial means of replicating reverb was the plate reverb. This was actually a roughly 4×8-foot steel plate suspended in a frame and stretched extremely tight. A speaker driver attached to one end of the plate would make it vibrate. These vibrations would travel through the plate similarly to soundwaves through a room, and be picked up at the other end of the plate by a microphone that worked by capturing vibration instead of soundwaves in the air. The tighter the plate, the longer the decay.
Video Explanations:
Spring Reverb vs. Plate Reverb Demonstration
Effect Pedal Examples:
Plate Reverb Pedal: Catalinbread Talisman
Plate Reverb Pedal: Strymon Reverberator
Common Internal Components:
Written Articles:
Fifty Favorite Effect Pedals for Sale: