Tone Freaks
Tone Freak Effects™ builds boutique guitar effects pedals. I won’t lather on about how we’ve somehow revolutionized the guitar effects industry because we haven’t. Tone Freak Effects™ simply builds effects pedals that inspire guitarists to play.
You won’t hear anything about how I alone designed everything. I relied on feedback from a great number of talented friends ever since Tone Freak Effects™ started back in 2007. Brian Oaks, Shawn Tubbs, Dave Friedman, Jeff Schroeder and many more talented guitarists have offered their ears to help tweak the circuits into something familiar yet giving them more than what the standard mass produced guitar effects pedals could not. Even the placement of the hardware on the enclosure came from suggestions of customers and clients.
And don’t forget guys like Jack Orman and R. G. Keen who really paved the way for builders like me. I listen to the circuit and clients, and then I build. No, Tone Freak Effects would not exist without a lot of help.