The Syntax Error

Have you ever wandered what an alien language sounded like, or what falling down stairs in space smells like? Or better yet, do you remember the dial up internet sounds and the 1st generation Nintendo? If you do then the Alexander Syntax Error has a treat for you.
The Alexander Syntax Error is a monster of a pedal that gives you 4 distinct presets….Ring, Cube, Stretch, and Frequency. These settings are all vastly different from one another and gives you an absurd amount of tonal varieties in one pedalboard friendly size stomp box.
The neo series from Alexander Pedals have a 32-but microcontroller that allows the presets,midi capability,and expression input.
All Neo Series pedals feature a simple yet powerful preset functionality. Hold the bypass footswitch to move the pedal to the next available preset, and the pedal will reconfigure itself on the fly. All knob values and the effect mode settings are recalled, allowing you to set up to four unique tones. Want more presets? Simply connect a MIDI controller to the EXP port on the side of the Neo Series pedal and access up to 16 presets total.
To load a preset, hold the bypass footswitch down or send a MIDI program change from 0-15.
To save a preset, hold the Select button down and then hold the bypass footswitch. The pedal will save the current settings to the current preset.
Any changes you make to the pedal settings will be lost when switching to a new preset unless you save the current preset first, so be careful!
Expression and MIDI:
The EXP port on the left side of the Syntax Error can function as an expression pedal, foot switch input, or a MIDI input.
Expression Pedal: Set the expression pedal to the heel down position, then adjust the knobs to your preferred setting. Sweep the pedal to the toe position and set the knobs to a different setting. Now the Syntax Error will allow you to seamlessly morph between the two settings!
Foot Switch: Connect a momentary foot switch to the port with a standard patch cable. Set the knobs like you want, then tap the foot switch and set them again. Every time you tap the knob the Syntax Error will sweep between your two knob settings at the speed you set in the configuration mode.
MIDI: The Neo Series pedals can connect to a compatible MIDI controller to control all of the pedal functions plus access 12 extra presets, for a total of 16. The USB port may also be used as a MIDI interface to your computer or mobile device.
I feel like I’m in the video game of life…
Now let’s get down on the controls and presets…
These are the controls for the 4 preset sounds…
Sample (Bonus): Adjusts the sampling rate of the audio computer system. Sampling rate is minimum / most degradation with this knob clockwise. Hold the select button and turn this knob to set the Bonus parameter, which controls a different function in each mode.
Code: Controls a different parameter in each mode. In Stretch mode, this knob controls the sample clock direction and speed. In Cube mode, this controls the gain of the distortion. And in Ring mode, it adjusts the speed of the modulation sample-and-hold.
Mix (Volume): Controls the amount of effected signal. Turn fully clockwise to "kill" the dry signal. Hold the select button and turn this knob to set the Volume of both wet and dry signals.
Tweak: Controls a different parameter in each mode. In Stretch mode, this knob controls the length of the sample buffer. In Cube mode, this controls the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. In Ring mode, this sets the depth of the sample and hold filter modulation.
The 4 different selectable tones are Stretch, Cube, Frequency , and my personal favorite Ring.
The stretch mode is kind like a reverse delay that samples incoming signal, throws a buffer at it and plays it back while you manipulate the length and clock of the sample. This preset works really well with a textured reverb.
The cube setting is sort of a lo-fi low pass filter. I really enjoy adding gain and some slap back delay with this preset.
The frequency setting shifts the frequency of the input by a set amount. It changes the pitch but doesn’t maintain the intervals by the notes you play… think rainbow machine without the magic switch.
And lastly, the ring setting.
It’s your typical ring mod with added sample and hold where you can control the depth and rate of the sample and hold…I find that this preset really works well with my envelope filter/phaser loop.
In each of the settings the knobs control different parameters of each effect. So, there can be a fairly larger learning curve on this one, but if your like me than it is time well spent.
- Tons of sonic possibilities
- Super in-depth so you can nerd out on it
- Everyone needs a wildcard pedal
- Nothing sounds quite like the Alexander Syntax Error
- This feature rich stomp gives you totally unique sounds
- Midi blooms this pedal like a flower in spring