Way Huge | Conspiracy Theory Smalls Overdrive
Model Number or Name:
Conspiracy Theory
- Overdrive
Circuit Type: Analog
Original Price: $129
Excellent Used Price: $95
Genre(s): All Genres
Year Released: 2019
Alternate Version(s)
- No Alternate Versions Listed
If the Way Huge Conspiracy Theory bears a more than passing resemblance to a particularly lusted-after, gold-boxed, mid-gain overdrive, it’s no coincidence. This single-wide amp driver masterfully captures the subtle sweetening, the indefinable mojo, that has made the original a key ingredient in countless pro guitarists’ session setups. Conspiracy Theory boasts an extremely sensitive gain range and a highly musical tonal sweep.
So whether you’re driving tubes into crunch territory or lengthening leads with its sweet, silken sustain, Conspiracy Theory excels at all shades of sensibly-gained harmonic enhancement. Looking for legendary tone without the mythic price tag? Take Way Huge’s Conspiracy Theory Professional Overdrive pedal for a spin.
- Way Huge’s spin on a legendary Klon overdrive
- Reduced size is better suited to tight pedalboards
- Sensitive gain range — perfect for driving tubes or lengthening leads
- Sweet harmonics — enhance tones without upsetting amp/instrument character
- Musical tonal sweep — usable tones at any setting
- Low current draw — great for stacking
Way Huge ® smalls Conspiracy Theory Professional Overdrive
Way Huge Smalls Conspiracy Theory Professional Overdrive Pedal Demo
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Award Rank/Name: Review
Rank/ Score: Way Huge Unveils the Conspiracy Theory Professional Overdrive
Award Rank/Name: Review
Rank/ Score: Way Huge Unveils New Conspiracy Theory Overdrive
Award Rank/Name: Review
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